Not sure if this is a design flaw or not but it appears the MAX 2 is designed to charge whilst standing up, however the charger is a little too thick causing the base not to be flat meaning you have to charge it up lying down... Maybe on the MAX 3 indent the charger a little more... otherwise though amazing product!
Charging the Max 2
- 7
- 4.6K
- Nov 12, 2019 01:39:33 AM
put the cap back on and set it down on the cap, that's how i think they intended for it to stand/charge as i noticed that the "blow hole" on the charging end of the max 2 isnt completely sealed even when closed so if there were any leakage after cleaning it would make a mess vs the leakage draining into the cap.
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I can’t get our brand new Max2 to charge at all. The cord is fine (works on our Nora and the Nora cord works fine on Nora but not on Max). It is brand new out of box!!! So disappointed
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Received new Max2 at wekend - spent two days trying to get the thing to charge. Tried all angles , USB ports - nothihg but sometimes an intermittent flicker.
Concluded that this has been a waste of money and I am about to dispose ot the device.
A seriously expensive mistake
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I also just got one. Flickering red light. No matter how I out thr charger. Brand new out of the box. It hasn't even died yet but I wanted to try the charger cause it looked like it had flaws. It is not a very good design. I contacted them and they sound like they sre going to replace it after sending a video with me holding my the chord and the toy at the same time. Or have a very awkward conversation with the person I rent a basement suite from...
Not happening hahahha.
I hope they make it right cause other than this flawed charging system I really like the toy. Us well endowed idividuals over 9 inches, do wish that it was slightly bigger. ;)
Great product aside from those two things. And it's only 100$ so you know.... you get what you pay for is a very true statement.
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It's an issue I noticed myself. I will bring it up to the product team