Does not seem to want to charge. I have to push HARD to get the red light to go on and obviously I can't hold it like that for an hour to an hour and a half. Any tips or tricks?
- 2
- 156
- Dec 30, 2020 03:34:01 AM
"Does not seem to want to charge. I have to push HARD to get the red light to go on and obviously I can't hold it like that for an hour to an hour and a half. An .."
I agree to the changes in order to continue using Lovense Life.
Does not seem to want to charge. I have to push HARD to get the red light to go on and obviously I can't hold it like that for an hour to an hour and a half. Any tips or tricks?
Danielle - drop me a PM and I’ll try to help. Sorry it hasn’t worked fully since you have received it.