After 8 months of heavy use these issues on the Max 2 need to be addressed for the next iteration and implemented in the Max 3.
1. Silent motors: When in a voice call or video call, the Max 2 has an issue of overpowering the gain of the Mic in any call and it takes away from being able to hear the partner in the process of controlling them.
2. Contractions are flawed: Every time I use the Contractions it either hurts to try and use, or the contractions will push the sleeve clean off the Max 2.
3. The Rubber ring's glue is weak: After continuous use and cleaning that rubber ring at the entrance of the Max 2 comes loose way to easy. I have circumvented this by using superglue but this shouldn't be an issue in the first place.
4. The lip that holds the sleeve retains water after drying: Either I need to use a q-tip to clean it but with the lip that holds the sleeve retains water when cleaning has the issue of developing mold and that will spread to the sleeve.
These are fundamental issues from multiple uses. This fleshlight is fantastic otherwise but in the meantime I will not be buying another Max 2 until the Max 3 comes out.
Design issues with the Max 2 to be addressed in Max 3
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- 7.2K
- Jun 05, 2020 01:19:51 AM
I had the same issue with the contractions at first, but by pressing a bit harder on my pubis these were solved and the feeling is now way more intense.
In fact for Max 3 I would love way more intense contractions.
I recommend you to try J-Lube. It takes a tiny bit of learning at first, but it is cheap and goes far beyond anything you have known before on the lubrification topic. Believe me, this thing is plain amazing. I hope it will help keep your toy in good shape.
Have fun !
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1 - I agree that the toy is just a bit too noisy. I have to wrap the thing in a blanket to get my mind off the noise.
2 - The contractions are an issue. When using no remote, and just the buttons, it seems to work more logically: Pumps engage, find you and pump to a set pressure, and then small ticking-pulsing maintenance of that pressure. Works well, with more presses of button the depth of the pulse just increases, but not really the 'pressure'. This is good. BUT when even a remote is involved, or remote pattern play...the pump just goes mad and crushes all before it, squeezing you out, or requiring brute force against pubis. This pressure is then virtually constant and there's no break to allow you back in. (i have to use the pressure dump valve button)... I have noticed that even the basic remote on phone, the contractions don't mimic the 'pump & maintain' just does the mad pumping.
3 - Most of the shared patterns seem to be beyond what Max 2 can do. I see patterns with rapid pulses of contractions, that are too swift...the 'pumps & releases' take time to complete. Perhaps patterns for Max should factor this in, else you just get the pump going bezerk continually.
4 - Vibe patterns on the device button could be more diverse/plentiful, however a catch22 is that i don't like cycling through super intense settings while i'm trying to lower the existing intensity (if you know what i mean). Maybe more patterns accessible with button pressing combos on Max3?
5 - Basically i like the button based contractions, and the remote-based vibes...and i can't have both at once!
6 - I'm not sure, but the contractions/air-bag pumping seems to originate at the far end of the toy, which adds to the 'push-out', what if the initial bags to fill were the near-side ones? Might have the effect of inviting you in?
7 - the main sleeve is crazy tight!
I have not updated firmware etc, as i am concerned that i might lose the button-based contraction settings?
I am still a n00b, so perhaps i still have to learn. But these are my observations and suggestions for Max 3
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Hi Fen, I do have issues with 1 and 2 but hopefully not (yet) 3 and 4. These are very good suggestions which can be considered by the Lovense team.