"Revolution in adult gaming", Twitch meets Chaturbate.
It would be ideal to connect the Lovense there. ✨
Adding PlexStorm to cam options?
- 1
- 164
- Dec 14, 2020 12:31:48 AM
"'Revolution in adult gaming', Twitch meets Chaturbate. It would be ideal to connect the Lovense there."
I agree to the changes in order to continue using Lovense Life.
"Revolution in adult gaming", Twitch meets Chaturbate.
It would be ideal to connect the Lovense there. ✨
Hi CosmicQueendom,
I totally agree with this and I'm already in contact with the Plexstorm CEO.
We even offered to help them. Unfortunately, it's their turn to integrate it and there is not much we can do. But I will send them a reminder.
Kind Regards