Today is one of those days I recognize as a "Breaking Day". They don't happen very often. Mentally and physically on the brink.
In the middle of my fourth week of chastity. In the middle of my week. Heavy load of messages and new friends added to the App. Heavy tease and buzzing sessions with different people - new people. All overloading my mind to the point of almost mentally exhausted and drained (bad choice of words).
Today is one of those very rare days when any pictures, videos, messages, buzzing .... all of it breaks down inhibitions and barriers and pushes boundaries. Iving on the edge for an extended period of time. Teetering on the brink of the next step or change. It is both scary and thrilling at the same time. Confusing. But, I know these are the days when others have made significant impacts in my journey.
These are the days when if a person recognizes and understands where I am at and how I am feeling, they can take great advantage. I've had some simply revel in the fun of tormenting, and others determined to help me reach that next level of submission in my journey.
And, I get wordy if you can't tell already.