I was told to make a forum post in case anyone wanted to stay in touch so here's that post. I'm pretty sure I'm out of here.
Bye y'all
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- Aug 08, 2021 07:21:22 PM
With a heavy heart I say goodbye to a dear friend. My instinct is to say something motivational and inspired in a desperate attempt to keep you here. But I know you haven't been happy, and I need you to be happy.
We always remember our 'firsts'. First love, first f**k, first drink, first heartbreak.....
You were my first site friend, you gave me hope that this place wasn't as grim as I expected it to be. And with that hope I put on my 'brave girl' pants in order to allow others a shot at my friendship. Without you holding my hand, I would have missed out on many other wonderful friendships. Thank you for that.
You were my first. And I'll always remember you.
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Nice to have had you here for as long as you have been. We will miss you, but have fun.