"What is Domi: Domi is a powerful wand vibrator. While it's not more powerful than the Hitachi Magic Wand, the variable speed and controllability make it 🤯🤯🤯 .."

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LovenseLIfe University: Domi

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  • Mar 03, 2022 10:27:16 PM

What is Domi:

Domi is a powerful wand vibrator. While it's not more powerful than the Hitachi Magic Wand, the variable speed and controllability make it 🤯🤯🤯

Domi Control Tips

Here are some general tips for controlling Domi. Keep in mind that every body is different so everybody has their preferences. The most important thing you can do is listen to the controllee and their preferences. 

  • NEVER start by going over 50%. Domi is strong and a quick start can feel like a punch to the genitals. A good rule of thumb is to stay below 50% for the first 20-30 seconds. 
  • Stop/Starts can also feel like a punch to the genitals. Very few people enjoy them. The dead space followed by the sharp pulse is not only uncomfortable but painful! Not the goal! 
  • Always keep that slider moving. Many women feel a tickly/tingly/itchy sensation when Domi is left at anyone level for more than a few seconds. Don't leave that slider in one spot for too long.
  • Rumbles, waves, ramps, and some carefully crafted pulses feel incredible with Domi (read this article if you are unsure about those control patterns https://lovenselife.com/article/1646272223949)

Using Domi Tips

Domi is as versatile as it is powerful! So many different ways to use it. Not to mention COMBOOOOSSS!!!

Female Tips:

  • There is your standard hold and rub on your clit
  • Lovense makes an attachment that clamps to the head of Domi. It has a section for vulva massage, clit stimulation, and penetration for you g-spot.
  • Place the head of Domi on your clit then close your thighs to hold it in place. Try it on your back, side, or front.
  • Lay on top of Domi and rub and grind on top of it. Add a pillow if you need to get it in the right spot.
  • You can insert Domi and with some angling can hit your g-spot
  • If you want to go hands free (or like forced Os) you can use rope or a harness to hold it in place. SAFETY NOTE: always have scissors handy when using rope to cut yourself free in the case of emergency. Here is a harness that is specifically made for Domi https://www.etsy.com/listing/1003460095/strap-holders-for-the-lovense-domi-2?click_key=cbe55a2cc24355b7dbade2dc7ad6feade939af27%3A1003460095&click_sum=baacd29e&ref=hp_rv-1

Female Combo ideas:

  • Domi + Lush
  • Domi + Osci
  • Domi + Domi (aka The Double Domi)
  • Domi + Nora (turn Nora upside down so the vibe is on your perineum, and Domi on your clit)
  • Domi + Hush

Male Tips:

  • Hold Domi on the frenulum (the little v where the foreskin meets the penis under the head)
  • Stroke Domi up and down and find the best spot!
  • Lovense makes an attachment that can be used on the penis or inserted to access the p-spot
  • Place Domi on your perineum (the spot between your ass and your balls)

Male Combo Ideas:

  • Domi + Diamo
  • Domi + Gush
  • Domi + Hush
  • Domi + Edge
  • Domi + Max (Domi on your perineum) 

Domi 2 User Guide


Feel free to ask any questions or let me know if I missed something. Comment with any tips or tricks you're willing to share!

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