"Hi all! New to the forums and the world of interactive adult toys.. recently got my Max2. I've got the majority of things working just fine.. control it via my .."

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Lovense Media Player Issues and Help??

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  • May 02, 2022 05:44:14 PM

Hi all! New to the forums and the world of interactive adult toys.. recently got my Max2.

I've got the majority of things working just fine.. control it via my phone, computer, or even directly from the Quest2 while watching vids on SLR.. 

The problems I'm having are with the Lovense Media Player..  I'd REALLY like to start creating some more patterns for myself and other Max2/Lovense users.. SLR has literally HUNDREDS of scripted working videos, but most of them are the usual stereotypical standard hot woman performing pretty regular acts..  Despite having a ton of interactive videos, VERY FEW of them are videos for things like BBW... mature.. trans/shemale.. rough/extreme/BDSM etc..  This is where I'd really like to contribute a bit if possible by creating patterns for these categories rather than the typical vanilla stuff that's much more common.

But I'm running into TWO issues with Lovense Media Player.. 

First... where is the UI and/or playback controls inside of VR??? Right now, when I launch it in VR... I have to select the video, hit play, and enable the pattern etc all using my computer while I have my VR headset on.. is that how its SUPPOSED to work??? I mean I understand for a lot of people that's just more of a slight inconvenience, but someone like myself who needs glasses and has prescription lenses in my VR headsets, it makes going back and forth simply to play, pause, stop, scrub along the timeline etc a HUGE pain.. 

Second, and more importantly for creating patterns, in the instance of the Max 2, is there no way to add the controls for the vibration and the contractions separately?? I tried recording just the vibration pattern, and then went back to try and add in the contractions to go along with it.. but while adding the contraction patterns, whatever the vibration was set to would overwrite EVERYTHING I just did..  I mean, I'm a bit a gamer, type 110+ wpm, and work in media/3d assets..  so TECHNICALLY, if there's no way to do them separately, I suppose I could try and do both at the same time, though the quality and accuracy aren't going to be anywhere near as good.

Is there something I'm missing on either of these two issues?? I wasn't sure if there was some option to see the user interface inside of VR and I was just missing it.. but I also wasn't sure about the patterns thing either.. So thought I'd post my first actual topic/question just to see.. 

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