I have the hush 2 1” and 1.5” and love them both, but the 1.5” keeps dropping connection when inserted where the 1” has no problems. Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve thought about the 1.75” but afraid itll have similar issues like the 1.5”.
Hush 1.5 issues
- 6
- 195
- Aug 01, 2022 01:34:02 PM
Katy, I had similar issues with my 1.5" but only the very first time I used it. After that, I did not have any problems. Not sure if a phone restart and another full charge helped solidify the bluetooth connection with the device or if it was something else that fixed it. But it has worked just fine since then.
If you're able to test, make sure a wifi signal is not conflicting with the bluetooth signal - my very expensive Surface Tablet loses its mind when streaming music over my wifi network while sending audio to bluetooth speakers, because spectrums or something. Also, try Data's suggestion about seeing how it operates not inserted.
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Thx for the suggestions, i do have an iphone and sometimes the app seems to be on the slower side of getting updated than andriods. I haven’t attempted not inserted though i can and definitely try restarting phone and possibly reconnecting toy.
Just seems like possibly my own body blocking reciever though i have no issues with the 1”.
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Maybe it is a manufacturing defect you should contact lovense support or it may be due to a lack of a software update