"He steps away once again and her breathing quickens. As she begins to control her breathing once more she feels the bed shift at the foot of the bed and then ha .."

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Part 2 A Night with Sir

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  • Mar 05, 2023 01:20:00 PM

He steps away once again and her breathing quickens. As she begins to control her breathing once more she feels the bed shift at the foot of the bed and then hands gliding up and down her legs as he parts her legs to accommodate his size and bulk. As his hands move up her legs his fingertips start to tease her pussy again slipping inside her panties to circle her clit before backing away again. She tries to chase his fingertips but a gentle slap against her thigh reminds her to stay still. Once again his fingertips tease her center dipping in and out of her wet folds causing her to moan loudly and her nipples to harden painfully in the clamps. She feels the chain lift as it is pulled causing more liquid to pool down below dripping and causing the bedsheets to feel wet. 

   He drops the chain once more and she almost cries out wanting more. He pulls the thong to the side as she feels his long hot tongue sweep along her pussy lips taking in her taste . Slowly two fingers push inside of her as his mouth fastens on to her  clit sucking hard as he thrusts his fingers in and out making her cry out and thrust her hips forward wanting more. He suddenly stops and slaps her thighs twice on each inner thigh once again reminding her that she is not to move. She once again tries to calm her breathing as he slowly rubs the sting away. 

  As she gets control of her breath once more she feels his hands start to glide up her thighs again and his hot breath tickles her pussy lips once more. Fingers part her lips as his tongue thrusts inside before three fingers begin to try to stretch her as his tongue starts to circle her clit once more, she rocks her head to the side to try and keep from moving hep hips to get more friction on her clit moaning loudly. One hand drifts up her stomach as he grips the chain holding the clamps and pulls the chain twice causing her back to arch and those fingers thrust further inside her as more wetness slicks her pussy as his fingers thrust in and out faster and faster. Just as she starts to reach her peak he withdraws causing her to cry out in frustration. She feels him chuckle against her before something cold and hard is inserted inside her pussy then suddenly starts to vibrate.

  One ear bud is removed as he whispers in her ear “If you cum before I allow you to cum I will punish you. Do you understand?”

As the vibrating increases she has to take a calming breath before replying “Yes Sir, I understand I am not allowed to cum.” She hers him whisper gently “Good Girl.” Before the earbud is replaced.

(I am working on part 3 it is almost finished but it may have to wait until next weekend but I will try to post sooner.)

In Bed What Men Like What Women Like
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Aussie K

Awesome story, love it

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Such a hot and sexy story... Love the details you provide and it really allows the imagination to paint the scene with your words ... Look for to more... Keep up the good work 🔥😍🥵

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