"She told me to stand up and to keep my eyes lowered and not to look at her. She placed a large hand-cuff onto each of my wrists and then clipped them to a suspe .."

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The final release

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  • Mar 14, 2023 04:53:45 AM

She told me to stand up and to keep my eyes lowered and not to look at her. She placed a large hand-cuff onto each of my wrists and then clipped them to a suspended bar, she raised the bar so that my arms were above my head.

Mistress tied my cock and balls tightly with a very thin cord and hung a large weight from the cord. She then moved around behind me and started to work on my backside. First with her hand just getting me started. She slowly increased the pressure and got harder and harder. Every time she smacked me the weight would swing and pull at me. 

My skin responded to her touch but I said nothing. I wasn't allowed to speak now, and it would only bring more pain...exquisite pain that left me raw and aching in the middle.

She moved closer and rubbed her hip against his side, prodding him.

"Such a good boy."

I swallowed. She watched his my adams apple move and he let out a barely perceptible noise. She grabbed my chin firmly.

"Shhh. Don't make me punish you."

You are a good boy," she crooned. She leaned against my slick nude flesh and ran her hand down to my cock. It was erect inside its constraint, engorged with blood. She flicked it with her finger and i flinched.

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes Mistress."

"But you want more...don't you?"

I nodded.

"What do you say?"


She reached out and tweaked my nipple roughly. "Please what?"

I gritted his teeth. "Please Mistress."

She flicked it again and i trembled. It was thick and almost swollen, but it wasn't time to release it yet. She flicked and flicked, smiling as my body responded. She knew the head was super sensitive and that any touch felt like madness. She continued the play until a small whimper escaped my mouth.

"I know," she purred. "You want to cum don't you?"

"Yes.... Mistress."

Mmmmm," she grinned as she rubbed herself against my engorged cock. "You want me to sit on it don't you...you want me to fuck you?"

I nodded but she slapped him. "Answer me."

"Yes Mistress."

She flicked my cock and I grunted. "Yes what?"

"I want you to fuck me."

"You are being a very good boy today, I am proud of you."

"Thank you Mistress."

You are very good to your Mistress," she said softly in my ear. She nibbled on it and licked her way down his neck, sliding down to the floor until she was poised in front of his cock.

"It looks so painful," she grinned and flicked it with her finger. I jumped and almost cried out.

"I wonder what would happen if I put my mouth on it? Should I try?"

"Yes Mistress."

"What do you say?"

"Please Mistress."

"Beg me."

"Please Mistress, put your mouth on it."

"On what?"

"My cock."

She put her mouth over the head and sucked deeply. He moaned.

"Like that?"

"More," i said desperately.

"More? Have you been good enough for more?"


"Be careful how you answer," she said.

"I am only good if my Mistress says so."

She smiled. "That's right."

She undid the straps to his cock restraint and tossed it aside.

"My poor baby. Will you look at that? Now, I give you permission to moan, but not to cum. If you cum, you will be punished."

"But Mistress-""

She squeezed my balls and i cried out. "Do not disobey me!"

"Yes Mistress."

She took him in her mouth, sliding her lips down the entire length of him. She heard me cry out, my body trembling as she stroked me with her  tongue. She knew how desperately I needed to cum, it was churning in the head and each pulse heightened the pain. My body was erect and tense as she sucked me drawing on his pain and desperation and adding it to her own need for release. When she rose up and over me she saw the sweat on my head. Now near to trembling herself, she spread the lips of her pussy and dropped down onto my cock.

"Do...not...cum..." she said through gritted teeth as began to fuck him. "I will tell you when to come."

I was wide eyed and panting now, my face contorted in pain as she fucked me, skin smacking wetly against skin. She took hold of my nipples and pinched them roughly, raising up her pussy and letting the head of my cock flick over her clit before going back down. She could feel her own orgasm building, and wrapped her hands around my throat. I knew it would be coming and she squeezed. It was our game...her way. It was the final act before release, her way of telling me that i belonged to her, that she was fully claiming him.

"Yes, I'm cumming," she cried out, pumping furiously on his cock as the pleasure exploded inside of her. The pleasure softened her, and she would torture him no longer.

"Cum," she demanded.

With a few more pumps I shouted out and she removed herself, watching the cum explode from me with wild abandon. She caught it on her tongue, loads and loads covering her and my bare thighs. I was like an animal, jerking in the chair and crying out as the feelings racked my body. When it was over she kissed me tenderly and removed herself from the chair. She dressed and i watched her heavy lidded, and when she was finished she went to the door.

"See you in a little while."

She turned off the light and left.

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7 Reply    

Oh my goodness what a read! Very sexy imagery, start to finish. 

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Aussie K

😘 thanks so much 

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This was so good. Thank you for sharing 

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You are very very talented ❤️ Thank you for sharing 

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