Hey Everyone,
Good news! Due to some amazing and constructive feedback we're excited to say that we're opening up the Toy Control Chat for fun chats again.
Please don't ask specific members to control their toys in there.
This channel is for toy control links only, all other requests go to the "Connect With Lovense Users" forum section. https://lovenselife.com/domain/Connect+With+Lovense+Users
The toy control channel should stay a fun place for the community to interact with each other and not a way to get around closed DMs.
However, let's keep it clean and on-point, okay? Spam and off-topic chats are still a no-go in this channel.
We'll soon be updating our Code of Conduct with a clear definition of what we consider spam and other changes, so everyone can be on the same page.
So let's respect the rules and enjoy some good vibes!
In addition we're delighted to announce that after a long wait we now have consent to #freethenipple
Catch you in the chat!
Lovense Life Update: 2023/05/14
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- May 14, 2023 08:13:47 PM
Perhaps good to be clear not to pressure those into freeing their own if they do not wish to. It is their choice what they show. Do not tell people to free their nipple. 🫶🏻
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RE: the mention of SPAM still being not permitted and definitions of this being set - will there be a limit to how many times per hour/how frequently people can post their links? I know it might not be viable with whatever kind off chat is used here, but I wish everyone asking to be controlled for 20 minutes could only submit that link 3 times across any hour, as 20 * 3 would be 60. Pipe dream maybe...
Everyone already feels the need to snipe links immediately, kind of annoying to see the same people post the same thing five times in just as many minutes because nobody clicked them already on top of this.
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#freethenipples 🤭🤭😈😈