"Thank you reader! This is my first attempt at writing a story like this, any and all feed back will be appreciated. The soft hum of the evening cityscape seeped .."

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Tantric Echoes

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  • Jun 02, 2023 05:33:01 AM

Thank you reader! This is my first attempt at writing a story like this, any and all feed back will be appreciated.

The soft hum of the evening cityscape seeped into the apartment where Sophia and James found themselves tangled in a cocoon of sheets, the mood mellow and ripe with potential. The dim glow from the bedside lamp painted shadows across their bodies, emphasizing the dips and contours of their forms.

James' fingers traced a languid path along Sophia's arm, his touch a mere whisper against her skin that sent tiny goosebumps fluttering across her body. In the quiet of the room, punctuated only by their shared breaths and the soft rustle of sheets, he found his voice, "What's on your mind, Sophia?"

She turned to him, her green eyes, even in the dim light, holding a sparkle that drew him in. "Do you remember our conversation about tantric sex?" she asked, her voice soft yet rich with intrigue. James nodded, his hand pausing mid-stroke, his anticipation almost palpable.

A grin slowly tugged at the corners of James's mouth, his blue eyes lighting up with interest. "Sounds like an adventure, Soph. Let's explore this together."

Their usual routine was replaced with a conscious slowing of actions, as if each second was a string of pearls they wanted to appreciate fully. James' fingers explored the perky softness of Sophia's breasts, each caress and tease timed to her breaths, their combined efforts constructing an electric environment of anticipation. His other hand roved lower, tracing the path down to her thighs, his touch close yet not quite reaching the point where she yearned for him the most.

Sophia was not merely a passive recipient. Her own hand reached for his manhood, her touch mirroring his: gentle, curious, in sync with their slow, deep breaths. It felt like a careful dance, an art of restraint that fueled their shared excitement.

As they lay there in the warm embrace of their shared exploration, Sophia gently extricated herself from the sheets and guided James into a seated position. Their eyes met, the air between them crackling with shared anticipation. With the grace of a dancer, Sophia straddled him, her thighs resting lightly on his. James' manhood, warm and pulsing, nestled comfortably within her, his eyes meeting hers in a shared moment of intensity.

"We're so close, I can feel your heartbeat," Sophia murmured, her fingers tracing the rugged lines of his face, her dark curls spilling over her shoulders and brushing against his chest. She began a slow rhythm, her body rising and falling in a languid motion that only amplified their shared pleasure. The sensation of her body moving against his, their intimate connection, was a harmony that echoed in the silent room.

Their bodies moved in a careful, controlled dance. James' hand returned to her breasts, his thumb gently brushing her nipples, the electric spark of contact sending a shiver through her body. His other hand drifted lower, tracing a tantalizing path down her body. Sophia, guided by the rhythm of their shared desires, matched his tempo, her body in a slow rise and fall, a melody in their symphony of mutual exploration.

Introducing a new dimension to their journey, Sophia's hand drifted down her own body. Her fingers traced a path between her thighs, lightly brushing against her landing strip before reaching her clit. The sensation of her fingers, the rhythm matching her movements on James, added another layer to their intimate connection.

The slow build of anticipation, the careful cultivation of their shared pleasure, ensured that their climax, when it came, was all-consuming. A tidal wave of pleasure swept through them, their bodies shuddering in unison, their release a silent testament to their journey of discovery.

As they lay spent in the aftermath, their bodies still tangled, their breaths gradually finding a slow rhythm, a sense of accomplishment washed over them. They had traversed a new frontier in their sexual journey, a promise of more shared adventures to come.

14 Reply    

Beautifully written and so 🔥🔥! 😳🥵

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1 Reply


That's evocative and manages to be sexy without being all that explicit, great debut

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1 Reply


I recorded the narration if anyone wants a listen 🤭 GREAT story! 

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6 Reply


Thats a definition of sexual in my mind. Very well done 👏

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To all those who have read and enjoyed Tantric Echoes I have finished my second erotic short story and will post up on the forums soon, if I can ever get it to let me.

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