"Hey there everyone. As many of you are trying out Tophy, leave your thoughts and experiences here 🥰"

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  • Aug 01, 2023 09:37:57 AM

Hey there everyone. As many of you are trying out Tophy, leave your thoughts and experiences here 🥰

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GhettoBlaster© 🦄

I don't know if I should write something positive or not. From a male POV these are my experiences with the app:

  • Way too many scammers
  • User interface is not well thought about (navigation, filter options, ...)
  • Vibe park in general and the toy control interface are a disaster
  • The notification system makes no sense
  • Lack of privacy settings
  • ...
Maybe others have more luck to have a better experience.

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I share the same opinion. As a man it feels like you are around scammers all day long. Out of a 100 conversations 5 of them are woman who don´t have a financial interest and 1 is ready to have a conversation. Some accounts look AI generated or just like a dummy.

The scammers share the same strategy: First they send a like. Then they contact you and share a google "sexy woman pic" then they drag you out of Tophy because you are not allowed to write funds or money or fee... Then in lovense or snapchat or google they come to the point. Thats against my interest but I love to share it with you to get a view with how they use your app.


I like the reporting and feedback. 

I like the intended way to get together. Freaks are on both sides male and female but the way they can meet and abort toy meetings is fine.

the updates make the app better step by step. Bugs seem to get less.


exorbitant ammount of scammers

Maybe country you are in by IP. It seems some are US in profile and use European timezone to communicate.

the control settings feel a bit clunky. It feels more like you have to work hard on the controls than focussing on your partner.

I would like to have something like a honor rating so people with a bad attitude can be detected and get disadvantages. Additionally a way to get positive again.

I would love to be able to search for people from a specific country. To meet new people from New Zealand or Italy ... It is not always about playing. Meeting new people and playing with friends and explore different views is nice to do.

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Lot, a *lot* of spam/phishing accounts. How quickly are they addressed when reported?

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The "vibe now" with the sphere is a terrible interface for finding who actually is free to play. Can that be changed?

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Hello, im trying to create an account, but it always says "Account limit reached" but i have never created any account, any advice?

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