"This is a follow-on post from a challenge I am doing for the months of September and October. You can find the original start to this thread here https://lovens .."

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62 days of Diamo – Week 1 – Mistakes were made.

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  • Sep 19, 2023 01:03:06 PM

This is a follow-on post from a challenge I am doing for the months of September and October. You can find the original start to this thread here


They say the first week in chastity is the hardest and they are not wrong.

It all started off going well, my keyholder wanted me empty before I went into my cage, so she took great delight in draining me using my Max2 the day before my lock up. I then took the day getting things ready for the tasks, writing up the rules and objectives and making sure I am properly manscaped for the verification photos. Tip for everyone out there is veet hair removal cream stinks and is not 100% effective, so I ended up finishing the job with a razor.

Then came the time of locking which was 4am GMT for me but worked out well for my keyholder and the daily task resets so I wasn’t having to rush to compete tasks before midnight. It also took an hour to configure all the parameter of the lock so in the end the timing worked out well. The Diamo went on and then the backing ring and cover of the cage before the turning of the key to secure the cage and Diamo in place. Then a liberal helping of lube ensured one of my 1.75” hush’s slide home for the rest of the night. The key went in the combination lock box I had attached to the wardrobe and after a photo of the combination uploaded to the app, I spun the combination and was locked in place for my Goddess. The First of many verification photos was taken and uploaded for my Goddess to confirm I was locked and at her will for the next 2 months.

We both went to sleep after a few mutual buzzies and I woke to a list of tasks and chores to do in the Chaster App and then this is where we went a bit off track. I had said to my Goddess that I wanted to be teased edged and denied during my two months, so she wanted me to edge 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Not easy in a cage but I found the hyphy and Domi suitable toys to get me to the edge and certainly keep me there and for the first few days all was good. What you don’t realise is that you can still get an erection when you are caged, if you have a very small cage then instead of your erection going out away from your body, it instead acts as a bottle jack pulling your cage and balls out away from you and stretching your perineum, which is the sensitive patch of skin between your genitals and bum. This has two effects; one it puts a strangle hold on your nuts as they are pulled from your body and the second is that the Diamo is also pulled away with the cage and the vibe is then left resting on the very stretched and sensitive perineum. In the end this led to vibe burn right there and ring burn around my nuts.

The Mistake

So doing the right thing I applied a cold compress after edging and then E45 crème to the affected areas which lead to the next problem. The crème made the boys slippery and on more than one occasion one of my balls managed to slip between the backing ring and front shield. This was easily sorted with a hygiene unlock by my Goddess on Chaster allowing me to reposition the boys and relock the cage, but on the third time of it happening and with my Goddess keyholder being in a different time zone we needed to do something to stop it keep on happening and this is where the mistake happened. I decided to change the cages backing ring size to the next size down. It was certainly tighter; with the slot the boys could slip through significantly reduced thus ensuring no further unnecessary unlocks. I went to bed in it and to work the next day. About halfway through the day, it felt tight, like really tight something wasn’t quite right, and I managed to get some relief by removing the 1.75” hush from inside me. I finished the end of my working day unplugged and headed home which was about the time my keyholder got up.

When I got home, I managed to get some relief by applying the E45 crème again and ended up replugging. My Keyholder Goddess checked how my day had been and she pondered why she didn’t have any edging voice clips from this morning which I hadn’t managed to do as I was running late to get to work, so she exclaimed that I'm sure I would make it up to my Goddess with a double edge of an hour at lunch with extra effort which meant the Domi and hyphy combined. This nearly broke me 😢 as my cock tried to grow within its cage now crushing my balls in the much smaller ring as they were yanked from my body as my erection grew. After 40 minutes I was in such pain that the pleasure from the edge was gone, and my balls stood there enormous and certainly gaining the name blue balls. They felt like they were on fire, so I went and dunked them in the bathroom sink for any kind of relief. The first my Keyholder knew was when I messaged her to ask for a hygiene release. But she noticed something was wrong and, in the panic, she ended up abandoning the chaster lock and releasing me completely. I removed the cage and Diamo and was left with a bright red ring around my cock and balls where they had nearly been choked to death. Now free they went back in the sink to cool down further and the small ring went in the bin. After a long discussion with my Keyholder we agreed I could stay unlocked whilst I recovered and discussed the current arrangements for edging to reduce the strain physically and allow recovery.

In all I remained unlocked for about a day and a half whilst I recovered and made modifications to my normal cage backing ring to reduce the risk of ball slippage. The solution it seems was to make the backing ring less slippery which I achieved by coating it in a layer of liquid latex. This made the ring tacky helping keep the Diamo in place and not chaff, stopped the cage rotating and reduced the size of the gap between the cage and front shield. So far, the modification has worked a treat and despite the use of E45 crème we have not had to unlock to recover a ball

The fun bits

With the mistakes out the way onto the fun bits. Whilst I was unlocked and towards the end of my recovery, Goddess decided to make the most of my unlocked status by getting me to control her Nora using my Calor with the strict instruction not to cum. That was an edge I certainly won't forget as I had her screaming and moaning down the phone to me as Nora drove her wild, whilst I gingerly stroked my cock with the Calor, trying to give my goddess the best ride possible, as she clamps down on the Nora and tries to push me over the edge with the vibes. There was certainly a couple of close moments, where I had to think hard about baseball, but I managed to not disappoint my Goddess in both ways. 😊 She then basked in her post cum glow whilst she got to put her suitably edged and denied sub back into chastity, ready to please her and service her needs.

My Goddess gets to hear little clips of me edging during the day, but its not the favourite thing she likes to get an audio clip of. It’s her second favourite task to assign me on chaster, she loves hearing a clip off me doing. Her favourite task being of course me giving her a big ‘O’.So the task she enjoys giving me so much is using my glass butt plug for 30 minutes after it has been in the fridge or freezer. I know my Goddess giggles to herself when the clip lands and she hears my sharp intake of breath as the plug touches my bum for the first time and the moan as it is pushed home helped by the condensation dripping off the surface of the plug. But I can tell you now the metal plug from the fridge is far worse than the glass one from the freezer as, the metal just holds the cold for so long so I know my Goddess is feeling evil when she assigns me the metal one.

The task assigned this week which probably becomes the most frustrating over time though that Chaster selected, is setting up two dildos in the house at waist height in prominent locations. The idea being that each time I pass them doing chores or just walking by I need to drop to my knees and pleasure the cock until I achieve one deepthroat. Now that doesn’t sound too bad until you realise how often you pass those places and you may be mid flow or carrying something but then suddenly you must pause, drop to your knees and pleasure the cock. The most memorable point of it all was when I got home to work and was on a call with Goddess and forgot I hadn’t taken them down from the day before. I asked Goddess if I had too as I was about to pass one and was just told to be a good princess and next time make sure you tidy away. I still remember the giggles as our conversation stopped and she could hear me slurping and licking as I was a good princess for her and pleasured the cock and made sure to clean away my task items once I was finished with them.

A sub fantasy come true for me though on the Tuesday when I was tasked with completing all my chores that evening in a lockable maid's outfit, which Goddess made additionally difficult by cuffing my hands together. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is trying to wipe down a counter and having to use two arms or everything having to be double handled as you don’t have the reach. It took longer to clean the kitchen than usual especially with additional tasks being thrown in by Goddess as I went. But it didn’t really matter as I was cleaning the house till dark as the keys to my outfit and cuffs were outside in the garden and dressed as I was there was no way I was going out till it was dark. But it was all deeply satisfying being dominated and tasked by a beautiful lady, so I went to bed very happy that night.

Hopefully less mistakes and more fun next week as I push forward for my 62days of diamo



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1 Reply    

❤️ Such a great read. I love these because I have so many of the toys myself, I can picture myself in those scenarios. Heck of a promo for Lovense remote play too 💋💋💋

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