"This is a follow-on post from a challenge I am doing for the months of September and October. You can find the original start to this thread here https://lovens .."

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62 days of diamo – Week 5 – Alexa make my Goddess Smile

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  • Nov 17, 2023 09:53:03 PM

This is a follow-on post from a challenge I am doing for the months of September and October. You can find the original start to this thread here


Did you know that Jeff Bezos owns enough of your soul from you shopping on amazon that he can literally control your love life? Not really but you may not know that amazons Alexa is capable of controlling your lovense toys.

I say that but there is a cavate, she will only control the older toys and she is really clunky, but there is an Alexa plug in skill that you can connect your lovense app to Alexa, so whilst you are at home you can ask Alexa to vibe your lovense toy. Now I first played with this alexa skill probably about 3 years ago and I don’t think it has been developed since, because when I played with it again a few months ago it doesn’t seem to have been improved and is not compatible with any of the newer toys. So feel free to download and experiment at your own frustration.

The reason I tried playing with the skill again was because I have a lot of home automation in my house and I wondered what if anything, I could use to trigger the lovense toy. In the end I found out I couldn’t get it to work how I wanted it. I managed to be able to trigger Alexa to open the skill, using noise and camera detection but once the skill was opened, I could never get Alexa to trigger the next step of activating the relevant toy. I’m sure with a bit more time I will figure it out but it’s just annoying for now that it isn’t easier to do. But I get it, why would lovense develop this skill that no one really uses when they are pouring all their focus into developing the app, which is getting to the point of making the skill obsolete. I feel this has already happened to some extent, because there used to be a lovense Plugin for Google home, but that is no more.

But whilst I did mess around with Alexa, I thought about how much home automation could be used now in long distance or local Dom / Sub dynamics, or even play sessions themselves and got chatting to Goddess about them. Now I have in no way done any of the below, we just talked about it and batted around ideas, but it is all theoretically possible and probably already being used in dynamics somewhere.


I will start with the easy one, surveillance of your sub to make sure their behaving. My property has internal and external cameras, they all record locally but they alert a short clip to the cloud should they detect movement. This cloud account can be accessed anywhere in the world and can have multiple users, so it wouldn’t be too hard to grant a remote dom access, so they can be alerted at the same time.

This means they could look in on all the images, and check on tasks, clothing and timing of items. Which is what I thought of each time I kneeled down at a cock suck station to pleasure it and caught the camera out the corner of my eye. It wasn’t done intentionally but the stations were to be set up in a busy place of the house and it just so happened to be the locations covered by the internal cameras. Now I must admit there was a few times I did just walk past them because they were annoying and sometimes you were back and forth past them and didn’t feel like sucking every time. If I knew someone was checking every walk past though, then I defiantly would of made sure the cocks were pleasured each time. That’s the thing about all rules though, the more likely you feel that you will be caught, the more likely you are to abide by them and hence it changes your behaviour towards them.

Now I will say out of all the home automation things, this is probably the biggest breach of privacy and level of control, and you would have to totally trust your Dom to allow them this level of access to your life. But it would ensure the highest level of compliance to the wishes of the Dom, and at times it could be fun. Having you sub wait for you in a certain position, covered by the camera, when the Dom gets home from work, to greet them and prompt toy play, voice or video calls, or the Sub leaving messages around the house in view of the cameras to please and cheer each other up as you play. There is lots of possibilities and they are not all bad.


An odd one but still has potential, especially as we draw into these darker nights. If you have smart lights set up across the entire house your Dom can literally dictate which room, they want you in by switching off all the lights but one. They could also setup routines to determine bedtimes, morning wake ups, with complete lights out, forcing the sub to go to bed or turning on the bedroom lights in the morning to get their sub up. The Dom could even start using light as a reward, if the sub wants to stay up later one night. This would certainly be less effective in the summer though.

Curtains, Blinds

I have a few automated curtains and blinds about the house, they automatically open and close on sun up and sun down but I also have them set up for when I have “company” over or I’m playing. I can tell Alexa “Privacy” and it will disable the power to all the internal cameras and close all the blinds and curtains, whilst turning on the lights in the bedroom and hallways, just to make sure no one is watching.

These items can also be used in predicament bondage situations. For instance, being tied up naked in front of a window with automatic blinds set to open at a certain time, unless you can get free of your bindings and cancel the command.

Home appliances,

These are developing at a quick pace, with differing potential as they are developed. There are now smart fridges with built in TV’s and smart hubs. IT wouldn’t take too much to configure it so that your dom could post the submissives tasks to fridge every day and track the progress. Some home appliances would just be for monitoring, such as making sure the laundry is done, or the fridge is being stocked so the sub remains health. Currently the TV has the best potential, for Dom / Sub play with the Dom able to send porn of the subs liking to the devices, to tease and excite them, or restrict the amount of tv the sub can watch.

All in all, the potential is both exciting and scary as technology develops. George Orwell said “big brothers watching” and he is not wrong, as we allow more technology into our lives, there becomes a greater potential for loosing control of our own lives and especially our privacy. There are people who fight it, but in the end, technology will win, as it becomes more and more difficult to live life without it.

In terms of Dominate and submissive dynamics and control over long distance, home automation offers the potential for the submissive to give up complete control and privacy for the need of a more dominated experience, where there is no potential to cheat. Maybe bringing partners closer together over the distance if they cannot be together in real life.

All in all, watch this space, will the next sex toy have a camera on it so that the controller can see Point of view and how much will you let technology into your life. But for now, sit back and enjoy the vibes. Alexa make my readers moan

This weeks fun

After a month I have settled into a routine of chores and tasks, dictated by my chastity after my working day. This normally Involves a fridge or freezer chilled glass plug to the butt and a lot of time practicing sucking cock or licking pussy. On occasion Goddess would assign the task or they would be assigned by random from the 10 options for the day.

My daily chores involved making the bed, tidying away any mess from the day, doing the washing up and cooking. But there are several other weekly and monthly tasks that need doing, so part of my evenings was spent dressed as a French maid keeping on top of the household chores. I will say that wearing 5” platform heels make it way easier to clean the top cupboards and cooker hood, but meant I was bending over or on my knees for the rest of it. With the petticoat of the outfit doing a perfect job of showing off my panties and plugged butt as I worked.

I had a choice of maid outfit but most of the time wore a cute halter neck one which was the least constricting and easiest to get on and off. Whenever I knew I would be doing a lot of cleaning I would let Goddess or the chaster community decide on the outfit. The hardest one to get on and off was the latex one, consisting of stockings, Basque, dress, gauntlets, and hood, it took quiet a while to wiggle into. But with a deep Smokey mascara and eye shadow, the hood really made my eyes pop. This outfit was great when I did the bathrooms too, as I could literally do the shower without getting undressed, and the feeling of water splashing against your latex covered skin is like something I can’t ever describe, the feeling of cool and warmth at the same time just sends shivers up my spine. This week however, it was the time of the lockable maids outfit, which normally meant leaving the keys to my outfit in the garden shed beforehand so that I would have to wait for dark to retrieve them. This time however I decided to make the most of my chaster prime account and setup a second lock for my outfit keys, passing the control to my Goddess. I must admit when it got to past midnight, I was getting a bit worried of when I will be unlocked. At about 1am Goddess eventually unlocked me but was tempted to leave me in my outfit till the morning. This shocked me a bit, I had work in the morning and knew from the time goddess goes to bed to me starting, it wouldn’t have left me long to get myself ready for bed, so my heart raced briefly for a moment when she said it.

On the wheel of misfortune, there is one slice out of the twenty which has me ask Goddess for a “push event”. Now the Push events are designed to push me a little bit outside my comfort zone and are either items, I have been putting off doing or have a higher degree of risk compared to the standard tasks. There will be more on these tasks as they appear in later weeks.

Since we started the chastity experiment, the wheel had landed on this option twice and Goddess and chosen from the list of push events, for me to get on the dating scene again. So, I am now a proud owner of a tinder and Grindr account. Having not ever used internet dating before I was surprised at the many hoops you must jump through, just to set up an account. The thirst on grinder makes the lovenselife site look relatively tame. Within a few minutes of setting up my account I had dick pics in my inbox and probably the weirdest full body shot I had seen in a while, of a man standing there with a ladder, surrounded by building materials and a bunch of flowers. It was certainly a lot to take in. One of the hardest parts was deciding what to put in the profile text. Do I write it completely as my sissy alter ego or as Rec? I certainly don’t want anyone to think I’m vanilla, but also not to extreme. In the end my tinder one is more Rec but still kinky and my Grindr profile is defiantly more on the kinky extreme side. A few chats have developed from them but no dates as of yet.

This week also saw my new lovense toy turning up, The ridge, for the last week and a half I had started to leak precum from my cage so I was desperate to have a go at milking to relieve some of the pressure down there. If you are unsure what milking is, it is the release of cum from the subject without stimulation of the cock or orgasm. It works by stimulating the prostrate directly causing it to switch from holding back the cum to instead allowing it to freely flow whilst the prostate muscle is massaged. For people in chastity this is a terrifying prospect as it means that there is no need to be unlocked to orgasm let alone cum, meaning their chastity could become more permanent in their relationship if that’s what the Dom desires. Because although it is fun having your sub denied and needy, there is the medical need to have your locked submissive have a release of cum every now and then, for the health of the prostate.

So when the ridge turned up I was very keen to give it a try and so was my Goddess, unfortunately my goddess got busy with work for two days so I left leaking and frustrated as I waited for her to become available. On the Friday our diaries aligned and we found time to call and play, so with me still caged Goddess set about making the ridge wiggle inside me as she listened to my moans over the phone. Having your prostate massaged is really weird, it literally feels like you are peeing and that something Is trickling out your cock. As I manipulated the end of the ridge to the right spot, Goddess played with the rotation and vibration levels, making the toy gyrate inside me. My face planted in the bed and my ass presented in the air, as my cage hung freely beneath me, the ridge sticking out my butt as Goddess commands me to push it all the way in. As the third bead slides in I let out a moan as the toy goes deep and it pushes way past my p spot. At that point I realised my goddess had a different idea on milking and just wanted to fuck my ass. We kept on trying for a release but in the end I was left denied and frustrated but with a nicely fucked arse. But I’m sure this wont be our only attempt at milking me.

The ridge itself is an unusual toy, Just the tip rotates, which certainly feels awesome but only when its in the right spot. Insert it to far and you feel a slight wiggle and a times it just stops, pull it out a third though and you certainly feel the rotation, but you wish it rotated a bit more over its entire length. The vibrations though are spot on, with the toy able to achieve a rumble which vibrates along its entire length. I have always struggled with the edge to hit the right spot properly, whereas I didn’t with the ridge, the main down sides are, its not wearable and it requires a bit of hands on manipulation to put it in the right spot so its defiantly a session toy

As always if you have any questions or tasks for me that you want us to consider then please leave a comment below or DM me. Mine are always open.

Stay kinky people.


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