"Welcome to LLU! In this wonderland of debauchery many people run into lingo that they don't understand. Hopefully this helps. Please comment if there are any te .."

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Lovenselife University: Dicktionary (updated March 8)

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  • Mar 02, 2022 07:50:23 PM

Welcome to LLU! In this wonderland of debauchery many people run into lingo that they don't understand. Hopefully this helps. Please comment if there are any terms that confused you and I'll try add to the list 😊


Rumbles are typically low and create a fast, shakey vibe pattern. There are a few ways to do it. I run my thumb in small, fast circles. you can also rub the slider quickly up and down, just be careful not to turn it in to pulses if your avoiding those. Toys that feel great with rumbles are Lush, Dolce, Domi, Diamo, Edge, Hush, Gush, and the vibe on Nora. Dolce and Edge are the king and queen of rumbles! Toys to avoid rumbles on are Hyphy, Osci, Nora Rotations, Sex Machine. They're not bad on those toys but they don't really translate as rumbles. More just one speed.


Waves are are smooth hills and valleys. Just slowly move the slider up and down on the control panel pausing a beat at the top and the bottom to make a nice smooth wave. Waves feel good on most toys but are particularly good on Domi, Max, Osci, Nora Rotations, Hush, Gush, Edge, and Dolce.


Ramps are a slow gradual increase in speed often with a sharp drop off at the end. The line looks just like a ramp. Ramps are good on most toys. REALLY good on Domi imo... But I feel like they are more of a personal preference. Try it and let me know! 


Pulses are fast sharp bumps. If the controllee has asked for gentle, DO NOT use pulses. If they are asking for hard or rough, pulses are often a good choice. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use pulses on Dolce or Edge unless the person likes it like that. With Dolce it feels like a chainsaw trying to cut a new vagina....

Max and Leave™️:

Max and leave is the insanely dickish move of taking a link a immediately setting the control sliders to the maximum setting before abandoning the link. If you are a perp using this move may your genitals shrivel and wither.

Stop / Start:

Stop/start refers to the type of control where there are little, pauses in vibes, typically in between pulses. It can be a great way to tease on some of the toys when done low and sparingly. There are not many people that enjoy stop/starts in their control. Most of the toys it is not a problem with. However, Stop/starts with domi feel like Mike Tyson is going a round with my clit! DO NOT DO THEM ON DOMI! 

Clit Punches:

The feeling of being punched in the clit.

The Dot:

There is little dot at the head of the squiggly line in the control panel. It exists. IT'S RIGHT THERE KOLA!!


VN - Voice Notes:

While in the app you send and receive voice notes. It is common courtesy to ask before sending VN as not everyone is comfortable with receiving them.

To send a VN:

  1.  click the microphone icon on the next to the text box to switch from text to VN. 
  2. Then press and hold the the "hold to talk" button . You can record up to 60 seconds of audio. 
  3. To cancel the audio slide your finger off the button and it will not send the audio.

To listen to a VN:

Click the icon in the chat window.

Puzzle Links:

Puzzle links are when people make small changes to the link copied from the app so they become unclickable. In order to control for that link you have to copy and paste the link into a new browser window, solve the puzzle, and fix the link. People use these links to avoid spam clickers, often when they have a preference like "ladies only". The controller has time to read the request before taking the link. Some examples of puzzle links are:

  • Adding a space somewhere in the link
  • Deleting characters such as the P in in "https:" at the beginning of the link
  • Changing an o to 0 or e to 3 (ex. l0v3ns3.com)
  • Removing characters from the end of the link and providing riddles or math problems as clues

Puzzle links are best when you can make it fun for the potential controllers. You have to entice them to do the extra work for your link or they will simply wait for the next regular link to drop. 


Trolls reference people who hang out in Toy Control just to ruin links. Sometimes they may be Pay to Play controllers who hold the links hostage until payment (pay to play is strictly prohibited on this site. If you get the person's username you should report). Other times they are individuals who for whatever reason click links and leave without controlling just to break the links. In general, Troll refers to people who are here to kill the fun for others. 

If you suspect you have a troll, your best bet is to ignore them and continue to post new links. The more attention you draw to the troll the more likely they are to target your link. Cut the link and post a new one.


Ghosts refer to people who control a link and remain anonymous, even when asked for a wave (not to be mistaken for people who click a link and do nothing)

Ninjas are sneaky little devils who quietly wait for a someones link and surprise attack! 

Snipers are your FAST controllers. They set up quietly and wait for their "target" links to drop. The best snipers very rarely miss their targets so are not responsible for misclicking and abandoning links. 

Spam Clicking:

Unlike snipers who very deliberately click the link they want, spam clickers will just sit and click every little pink thing they see in hopes they get a link they want. Typically they are men targeting women's links and when they don't get the link they want, the close without controlling and go back to spam clicking.

Links pop up at the bottom of the chat window so this is where spam clickers will repeatedly tap. To Avoid Spam Clickers try adding spaces UNDERNEATH your link so it is not at the bottom.

The Red Dot:

Occasionally, you may see a little red dot next to your post. It is supposed to indicate that your comment didn't post. If you click it, it'll post it again. Don't believe it. It's a lying little turd burger! Refresh your browser instead and see if your comment posted. If it didn't, then you can send it again.

What Men Like What Women Like Advice & Tips
16 Reply    

I love this so much! Thank you for the LL Dicktionary we all needed. 

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1 Reply


I honestly feels so much more educated, thank you brit. ☺️

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Have enjoyed reading these Lovense university posts Brit... Keep up the great work professor ☺️

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Thinger 8

Thank you miss brit

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thanks for lovely information!, i love ur articles nd it's very helpful

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Link: Add-On to Rumbles

I was about to just post this here. But the comment didn't load and i thought there's a limit on length. Well... it did load... now i'm just cleaning up multiples.

[lmao thx for the red dot update 😂]

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Thanks a lot from me.  I'm still learning my way around this site.

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Very helpful, thank you for this post.

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I’m fairly new to this site. I’m glad to have found this post. It is very helpful. Thank you 

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Thanks so much for this.  Really helps to understand pattern implications for various toys.  

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